Monday, January 26, 2015

Tek News Show Notes (1/26) - Bad Passwords, GoPro Hockey, Drug Drones, Windows 10 and Hololens

Show Notes

Some passwords should never be used. Here are a few examples

RankPasswordChange from 2013
312345Up 17
412345678Down 1
5qwertyDown 1

The full article:

Hockey and GoPros
GoPro and the NHL are teaming up to put GoPros on players for more intense and immersive footage
The full article:

Drones and Drugs
A recent crash of a drone in south California showed that drug mules are moving to more technological means to transport their drugs
The full article:

Windows Event
Windows came out and discussed/launched several new products. Some of the highlights included Windows 10 free for a year and the most exciting part, HoloLens - a virtual reality headset.
The full article:|!

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