Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tek News - Show Notes (7/22/2014)

Kinect on PC
Microsoft originally said no kinect on pc, but now its finally coming.. eventually
but in the meantime some hackers over at Hyperkin managed to make a cable that would get the kinect for xbox one to work with pc, and then just use the SDK microsoft already released.
These guys plan to sell a commercial version of the cable so this is great if you dont want to have to buy the PC version of the kinect or dont want to wait.
the connect on pc has some very interesting possiblities - kinect controll of games, 3d mapping, webcam, etc

Google Chrome Bug
Do you have less battery chrome running on laptop? Youre not imagining this
turns out chrome is changing your clock cycle to keep running even when not active
(normally your computer checks 4 stuff only every 15.26ms but chrome keeps checking ever 1ms) this constant checking keeps the processor active more and draining power
chrome has finally recognzied the issue and said they will work on addressing it.


Ever wanted to communicate with your phones but had no cell reception?
Well GoTenna has the solution. They have a device that connects to your phone via bluetooth then sends out a low-frequency signal (that at opt conditions - 50mi)
you can text and send coordinates but no audio/voice
right now you can get a pair for 150, but after they get to their goal, they will go up to 300

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